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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lot of updates

Well Hello Hello loyal followers,

There is lots and lots to report on in our lives. Since finishing treatment, Andrew has returned to work full time and is thriving. He had his first follow-up scan which showed a small 7 mm. mass on his right psoas muscle (the muscle that connects from your outer hip to your backbone). There is no sign of re-occurrence in the primary spot of his tumor, his left hip, but this small mass is something the doctors will continue to follow and keep up to date on. He has had one scan since the first initial scan and the mass has not changed size ... so we are on a watch and wait approach up to this point. Of course, this makes everyone a little nervous but we just try and go forward every day and live for what comes ... and not for what comes next.
We also switched doctors again to Dr. Staddon at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. Dr. Staddon has proven to be the voice of reason and the positive energy that helps to make our medical treatment family complete. We look forward to our interaction with him in the future. He is also the doctor who treated Mark Hertzlich's, the Boston College Football player with the same disease.
In many ways Andrew has returned to his old self. He has regrown his hair and now has a beard and bushy eyebrows to match!! We are both also enjoying attending as many PSU football games as possible and look forward to this weekends game against Northwestern and JoPa's 400th win!!
I recently returned to work .... which is still questionable and under review. Stay turned for that!! I liked being a stay at home dogie mommy better. And Winston is enjoying his normal routine of sleeping, eating and sleeping some more!!
Andrew and I continue to be grateful to our friends and family members who have stood by us through this most difficult time in our lives. We are better and stronger people for your every present support.
We also want to report that we have collect 522 books and many many magazines for our Book Nook Drive for the Reston Hospital Infusion Center. If anyone is interested in donating any more books or magazines, please feel free to let me know (by email or phone or facebook) and we would be happy to make arrangements to pick them up from you. We are looking forward to getting the bookshelves in place for the patients and their families to enjoy.

Stay warm ......

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