Tuesday was a very uneventful day for Andrew. Due to the Ativan that he was given for his nausea, he actually never really woke up yesterday, except for to use the restroom a few times. So as you can imagine, his nausea was kept under control but he was completely "out like a light" all day long.
Dr. Felice said that Andrew may need to be injected with Ativan when he comes in for treatment and that we will just have to deal with the fact that he will sleep through the 3 day treatment. The only real downside is that he hasn't eaten anything since Monday at dinner. He has only had a few glasses of water when he was awake.
On the upside, it does make him a very easy patient to take care of. Today is Wednesday and hopefully we will be going home today as long as his counts are fine. He has an MRI this afternoon and its parent-swap day as well. Gwen and Steve will be here this afternoon and after a group dinner together at our house, my parnets will leave and Andrew's parents will stay the weekend to help out.
Lights out .......