So I have to admit, Andrew was a model patient today. He had a single Medi-port inserted under his right collar bone. The port will allow him to more easily receive Chemo when the time is right. The procedure itself only took about an hour. He came trough it with flying colors and even a smile on his face. He is only now experiencing a minor amount of pain and discomfort where the port was inserted. This pain is usual and will subside over the next few days. He will be able to resume regular activity in about 7 days -- you know, installing tile floors, mowing the lawn, moving furniture .. etc. etc.....
Tomorrow is the big day. The day we go to Johns Hopkins to talk to Dr. Thornton about Andrew's treatment options and when he will begin the regiment.
Cross your fingers and send good thoughts our way.
(picture is of Andrew before procedure)
Good-nite and Good Luck...........