Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers throughout the weekend. Andrew and I had a wonderful time at Lanhi and Gary's wedding. Andrew did great. He was able to make it through the rehearsal dinner, ceremony and wedding with ease. It was very important to Andrew to be there for his best friend on his wedding day and I am so glad the wedding went off without a hitch and he was in attendance.
We were also very happy to get to spend time with Billy and Laura and all of Andrew's family on Sunday. Thank you to everyone for making time this weekend to see Andrew. Laughter and Friends are definitely the best medicine.
Andrew and I have a couple of big weeks a head of us. He has his 13 week scan tomorrow ... which personally has me on pins and needles right now. The scan will help us to determine what's next, radiation or surgery. Whatever we decide, it will be life changing in its own way.
Congratulations again to the new Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tier ..... have a wonderful honeymoon and we can't wait to see you when you return.
Good tidings ....