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Monday, July 6, 2009

Just the 'three' of us .....

Life as we know it has gone back to 'normal' today. Andrew's parents went back home to New Jersey to see their own dogs and take care of Jeremy for a while. Gwen thinks Jer feels left out -- but I think he's enjoying their big house, pool and hot tub while they are gone ... just me.
Andrew had a restless night and a sleepy morning but after a big home cooked breakfast (thanks Gwen) and a little nap, he felt like going in to work around noon today. I'm glad that he's at work and keeping his mind busy. He has a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning to have blood drawn to track his counts and an MRI on Thursday morning.
But life in the Waxman house is going back to 'normal' tonight... Dinner, followed by an X-box game in the basement for Andrew and a little cleaning for me, coupled by exactly 10 minutes of play with the dog... before he is tired of us and goes to dig up his dog bed and comforter and nessle in for long summer evening nap before retiring to bed.
For now ... or the next 2 weeks at least, we are looking forward to.... it's just the 'three' of us.

Au Revoir, for now ..........