Today is like a bad hangover. You can't remember how you got here, why you did what you did, and know that you never want to do it again ..... and by the way, I didn't even take the bar exam. I can tell you that we have done our best to enjoy our time in Norfolk, but its time to return to our home, our dog, and our life..... Andrew is in the last hours of taking the Virginia State Bar Exam and we hope to be our way home around 5 pm tonight. I'm continually amazed by Andrew's progress since completing chemo only 7 months. He's stronger than ever and is looking very confident and lawyer-like in his suit. I'm very proud of him, but hope that we never have to do this test again. And allow me to remind you again .... I'm not even taking the exam myself.
And though we are not home with Winston at the time, we have been receiving daily pictures of what he is up to why mommy and daddy are out of town. For your daily Winston fix, here he is in the snow.
PS: He hates the cold weather and prefers the spring and the fall when he can sprawl out on the back patio and bark at the neighbors, who are making too much noise for his comfort.
Continue to think good thoughts for Andrew as he finishes the bar exam.
Raising Awareness for Rare Diseases .....