It is hard to look at Andrew and ever believe that he has had such a bad week leading up to today. Last night he woke up and for the first time asked for food .... I only gave him Saltine crackers but it was the first sign that the real Andrew was finally coming back to life. He woke up this morning and asked for food.... real food, something with real taste. Then he asked for eggs ... we compromised and he had dry toast, Cherrios and hot tea.
Andrew also spent some time at the hospital today getting a 2 hour Saline infusion to help flush his kidneys of the chemo and get him back on his feet faster. I also gave him a shot of Neulasta last night which will help to increase his white blood cell counts and keep him healthier in the weeks to come.
Andrew continued his eating streak at the hospital and ate a container of soup and then came home and had 2 turkey sandwiches and another container of soup. And for dinner he ate a piece of baked chicken and pasta and he finished his dinner off with a bowl of sherbert. That may not seem like much, but to us its a huge breakthrough. This is the first day that Andrew has kept anything of substance in his tummy since Monday at dinner...... and by the way its Friday. What he really wants to eat right now is a quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald's but he will have to settle with a homemade burger for now ... no fried or fatty food.
He also decided to cut his hair tonight and beat the chemo to it. As you can see from the pictures he looks absolutely adorable with short hair.
Life as we know it is starting to come back to a new normal and I'm very thankful for that. Remember to keep Andrew in your thoughts.