No matter how hard I try or how many times we return to Dr. Felice's office, I still get an
indecisive pit in my stomach when I walk through the front door. One of the greatest gifts I have is that I have a gut feeling about everything. My gut can tell me if PSU is going to pull out the win or if I'm going to be offered a job or even if the steak is done on the grill without really even looking. My gut and a bit of common sense has gotten me far in life, an undergrad degree, a masters, a marriage .... but now nothing.
Cancer has weakened my greatest super-power and has made a crack in the foundation of my house of cards. I can never predict what Dr. Felice is going to say from month to month. Cancer is so unpredictable and I'm afraid that no amount of gut or common sense can change that.
Though Andrew had a good appointment today and his chem panel blood tests seem normal, Dr. Felice is still sending out Andrew's labs to be further analyzed because of his never-ending fatigue. Dr. Felice has also ordered an MRI for Monday to rule out any further cancerous activity that could be contributing to his exhaustion. But all of this is really being done to just be overly cautious.
Of course going to any doctors appointment, at this point in our lives, adds anxiousness and stress to the day but we continue to think positively. My gut tells me that everything will continue to be stable but my brain always stops me and tells me to just take it one step at a time. And if Santa is listening, I would really really really like to have a crystal ball that predicts the future. Life is hard enough without this stress every 3 months.
But as for Andrew, he continues to be a mountain man .... see picture above. Dr. Felice even gave Andrew an early Christmas gift by teaching him one of his famous card tricks. My gut tells me that Dr. Felice only reserves his card trick secrets for really special patients. And I know Andrew falls into that category .... and for that I will forever be grateful.
Raising Awareness for Rare Diseases .
Love, Hugs, Kisses, Awareness and Hope ~ Amy