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Friday, January 8, 2010

Spread the Sunshine

Even though it's snowing in DC, our house is filled with sunshine. After a barrage of scans before Christmas, Andrew and I and his parents traveled to Baltimore to see his doctor to receive the results. Last week we received this good news (also sent to us in an email from Dr. Thornton):

The soft tissue mass component of your disease which was quite prominent on your first MRI has resolved and the only deformity left is that of the bone, which is all consistent with treatment effect. keep up the good work! Katie

What this means is that the treatment is working and the cancer is beginning to remove itself from Andrew's body and the soft tissue mass that was causing him so much pain is now gone ....GONE ... can you believe it. We are overjoyed with these results and look forward to new scans in March to reveal the same and hopefully even better findings.

Andrew is currently finishing a five day outpatient treatment today (Friday). He has done well this week and continues to keep a positive attitude and looks forward to the end of his treatment. He has 8 treatments left and will be finished around the middle of June, and plans to take the bar in July. He will have his first base-line scan in August and will be followed every 3 months after that.

But for now, he is enjoying being pampered by me. Here he is in the Infusion Center at Reston Hospital waiting his last 30 minutes of treatment for this week.

Thank you to everyone for the emails, cards, flowers and fruit baskets. They were all wonderful reminders that Andrew continues to improve!!

Until the sunshine comes for real .... we bask in the warmth of good news, love, family and friendships!!


  1. Dear Amy and Andrew,
    We are both so thrilled to hear the great news. :) :) We know that all the news to come will be as awesome. We had a wonderful time on New Years's Eve with Steven and Gwen. We want to wish you all a peaceful,happy and healthy 2010. Love, Roberta and Lyle
    PS. Love the Christmas pics.

  2. After going thru this, the Bar will be a cake walk. Great news! Hope to see you guys soon.

