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Monday, February 14, 2011

Cupid's Arrow

I'm curious as to how all of you out there spent Valentine's Day?  Let me paint you a quick picture of my day.  Woke up, had my coffee, shared my rice toast with Winston (like I do every morning) and worked.

Then I spent some time with the most wonderful dog in the world .... through he could have honestly cared less and would have rather I leave him alone to catch up on some much need beauty sleep.  News flash Winston ... those wrinkles won't go away even if you sleep more.

Then after a conference call .... which Winston proceeded to bark through because, heaven for bid, the Fed-Ex man dare ring the door bell in HIS house.  We played a rousing game of steal mommy's water bottle.

 Who me?

 Yes you!!  And after all that energy he exerted, he had to take a nap.

Me on the other hand, I went about my day, working, meeting 'Kidney Stone' Kaylan for lunch and getting a thoughtful Valentine's Day card from my parents.  And since Andrew is so anti-romantic, it was the only one I got this year.

 But that didn't stop me from trying to make dinner as fun as possible.  I made squash lasagna with pasta and ate by myself.  But not before I dropped the pasta I made for Andrew out of the strainer and down the drain to the garbage disposal and burned my hand.  It was a really long dinner, but as you can see, it looked and tasted good.

 But Andrew finally did make it home just in time for my new Dell computer to arrive from work.  Any electronic, his or not, is like Christmas morning to him.  He actually asked if he could open it, he was so excited.  And of course, it's the little things that make him happy.

But Valentine's Day is about being with the one you love.  And even though we didn't do anything romantic, we still got to spend it with our little luv bug!!

So Happy Valentine's Day to all and to all a good nite.

Raising Awareness for Rare Diseases ......

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