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Monday, July 13, 2009

Thank you Phil and Amy

At the moment, this may seem like a long shot of a Thank you... but Thank you Phil and Amy Mickelson for the autographed photo of Phil. As many of you who love golf, like Andrew, know the Michelson's have also been going through a personal battle with cancer themselves. Amy Mickelson was diagnosed with breast cancer in May and from what I read on, is currently undergoing her own treatment and surgery to beat this disease.
With a very sweet and heartfelt letter from Andrew's best friend, Phil and Amy were kind enough to lift Andrew's spirits with this very personal gift.

To Phil and Amy .... I'm sure the both of you have been asking yourselves the same thing Andrew and I have been asking ourselves, Why us? Why Andrew?.... I guess, why not. We, as I'm sure you are, are lucky enough to have a great deal of support and love from the people around you. It's this support that helps us to get through each day and look forward to the ones to come. Though we are not celebrities or in the public eye, I hope to one day bring more publicity to Ewing's Sarcoma and the young children that are effected by this disease. I hope that with Phil's celebrity influence, you and your family will be able to bring more awareness to cancer research so that one day in the near future families like ours don't have to go through the pain of this terrible disease.
Andrew and I promise to keep Amy in our thoughts ... please remember to keep Andrew is yours.

Thank you again......

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