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Friday, February 18, 2011

Feels like home

Though I've driven these roads, entered into this garage and spun around its twists and turns more times than I care to admit, I still never get used to being at the hospital. I get a knot in the stomach every time I walk through the turn-style door and hit the lobby, with its distinct smell of ammonia and beta-dine.  My mind always wonders back to a less than pleasant time filled with worry and uncertainty.  Lucky for us, that life is a distant memory of a life once lived.

I am happy to report that today was not a visit for a doctors appointment or for a chemo treatment, but to give back to the hospital and its' staff that have given us so much.

Here are a few pictures of the new bookshelves, full of books and the new magazine rack, brimming with material.

We were able to fill two full book shelves.  One in the chemo room (above) and one in the waiting area (below).

I've heard nothing but wonderful things about how much the patients have enjoyed the magazines (and the staff too!)

Andrew and I look forward to continuing to add to the Infusion Center at Reston Hospital and aiding them in creating a home-away-from-home feel, in a not so homey place.

We want to again thank our generous friends and family members for helping us to accomplish this task.  We are continually grateful for everything you do for us and for the causes near and dear to our hearts.

Here are a few more pictures of the newly stacked shelves.

Raising Awareness for Rare Diseases......

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