Read all about it

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Calgon, take me away .....

Dear All,

My nightmare has come true. Yes, I know my husband already has cancer and most of you would think that we are living in a nightmare..... but no. Andrew's doctor told him today that he has to spend the rest of the week at home working so not to be around all of the people in his office with the swine flu. To quote Jason Segel in the movie, I Love you Man ...... this is my nightmare!!!!
Normally I wouldn't care, since I am not usually at home but since I too am still working from home .... this poses a problem for me. I mean don't get me wrong, I want him to be healthy and keep his counts rebounding so that he can have treatment next week, but all the Calgon in world can't take me away from this. Andrew is too serious. When I'm working at home I listen to music, talk to the dog, check, talk on the phone, read usweekly, update facebook ... you know, the usual girl stuff. But Andrew, he could care less what Brad and Angelina did or wore last night ...or who put cute pictures of their kids up on facebook ... and he doesn't like my music .... and he finds little to no amusement in the snoring (and may I add) and most adorable bulldog in the world. He also likes to talk on speaker phone ... which drives me right up the wall. I mean he may not care about Brad and Angelina but I could really care less about whats on the docket for the next few days or if anyone else created a thing like the thing in front of him. Boring!!!
But for now, I am trying to have Andrew's best interests at heart .... and in mind. Andrew's counts are rising but not as quickly as they would if he were able to receive the neulasta shot (which stimulates his white blood cells). But since he is receiving radiation, he is not able to receive the shot for the next 5 weeks. All we can hope is that his body is strong enough to produce some of its own white blood cells and fight off any infection that he may get. On the bright side, his spirits are high and he looks great. The doctor is continued to be amazed by Andrew and that continues to make Andrew happy to hear.
Please keep Andrew in your thoughts ..... and me as I quietly endure the next few days!!!!

(Filling the bathtub with water and bubbles)

Calgon .... take me away!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Where has the time gone....

I'm completely amazed that we are in Andrew's third week of radiation treatment. Though most people would think that time almost stands still when you're sick ... we think it is just flying by. Andrew is doing great. He had a little set back last week after getting sick ... and then giving it to me ... but has been on antibiotics every since. We hope that after the doctors appointments on Wednesday, he will be cleared to return to chemo next week. His radiation has not been effected by the sickness and he has continued every week day, at 3:10 pm, as usual. He is also continuing to go to work every day, which is great for me, because he did stay home one day last week, and I thought I was going to kill him. I love my husband and I know he has an important job, but our house is only so big and we only have one office and when he gets on business calls and shuts and the door to the office in the middle of the day, it really mucks up my day since the office is where my computer, files, printer, memory sticks, paper, phone ... you name it, is located. (don't take this personally Steve) But for that day, I felt like I was at his parents house when his dad is on a business call and we all have be quiet, not make much noise when moving around, and somehow entertain the dogs and reason with them to comply as well. You can all guess how that goes. Besides that, and now that Andrew is back to work, life is going on as planned.
Andrew was even able to get out for dinner on Friday with friends; went shopping on Saturday for new clothes (that fit); and watched football with the boys on Sunday while I went to a bridal shower. (For those of you who don't know and haven't seen Andrew in a while, he has gained about 40 pounds from the treatment and drugs. The doctor is fine with the gain and is happy for Andrew's healthy appetite.)
We continue to receive such love and support from our family and friends and will never be able to express the gratitude we have for all of you. Please keep the love and wonderful thoughts coming .... they're working!!!!

Rain, Rain go away ... come again some other day!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Two tickets to 'Uneventfulville'

This week can be summed up in one word..... uneventful. I know that's hard to believe in our life but this week has gone very smooth and Andrew is responding well and handling the treatment just like the doctors would like to see. Andrew began his first of 7 weeks of radiation at the Tomo Center in Fairfax, VA. It's one of the most beautiful and comfortable places we have ever been. The staff is great and knowledgeable and always there to answer any of our questions and concerns. We also meet with Dr. Bajaj every week to discuss Andrew's treatment and what he saw for the week. Dr. Bajaj is happy with what he saw this week and with the plan that he has set forth for the remainder of the treatment.
I think the only person ... well kinda person ... who is having problems with this chemo/radiation schedule is Winston. The best bulldog in the world. Winny is overly confused with the fact that we leave in the morning, like usual, but come back around 1:30 every day after chemo and are home for about an hour before leaving for radiation at 3:10. He has been eating 3 meals a day since he just can't get this schedule down pat ... so I guess he and Andrew are putting on the cancer weight this week. As you can see from the picture he is not happy to share the bed with me but is so cute I just couldn't move him.
But besides that life is continuing as normal as possible. Gwen and Steve are coming to visit for the weekend and we are very excited to see them. Thank you to everyone for all of the love, support, phone calls, emails, Facebook posts and cards. They keep Andrew's spirits high and his eye on the prize .... becoming cancer free.

Woof Woof ....