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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Crossing the finish line .......

Standing at the starting gates over a year ago, today seemed like such an impossible accomplishment. Like everything Andrew has tackled in his life, cancer was just another obstacles to overcome.... and in grand style, I am happy to report that he has done it!!!! Today is the last day. No more chemo, radiation, injections, weekly blood tests, doctors appointments, hospital visits, infusion center visits, hydration .... he is now trading all of this in to study for the bar and enjoy the rest of his life!!!
But like every milestone in life, it comes with its bittersweet moments as well. We will miss our time with the wonderful nurses at the Reston Infusion Center who so kindly had a heartfelt card and muffins ready for Andrew when he arrived this morning celebrating his release from treatment. Their loving care, kindness and attentiveness to Andrew while he was a patient in their care is something that cannot be matched. We will forever be grateful for their friendship during this time in our lives.
We will also miss our weekly visits with Dr. Felice, Emily, Donna and Mike .... however they may not miss all of our phone calls and questions!!!
Andrew and I would also like to report that he had a scan last Friday and after speaking with the doctor we have learned that there is no sign of cancer, just a little inflammation, probably from the radiation, but we will be consulting with a doctor next week to make sure that there is nothing we can do to help the inflammation decrease. But the important thing is that the CANCER IS GONE!!!!!
And even though Andrew has been waiting for this day for a very very long time, he also has a bit of concern in his voice today too. After today it is up to his body to keep the cancer from coming back. No more chemo and radiation to aid him in the fight against any cancer from reoccurring and with good reason, he is worried. But I'm sure the further and further he gets from today, the better his nerves will get and the stronger and stronger he will become. Getting back to normal, regrowing hair, working out and maintaining a normal routine will help him as well.
So as I sign off on what is one of the most exciting days of our life, we are excited for what's next .... after the bar exam of course (b/c of course all of you know, I have a little bear on my hands right now ... GGGRRRRR)!!!! And we thank all of you for everything!!!

..... is Andrew, CANCER FREE ...... and the crowd goes wild!!!!!!


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes! I am SO happy for you both!

  2. SO Happy!! Cannot wait to celebrate with you both this Saturday!

  3. Dear Andrew and Amy: I am so happy to hear the GOOD news!
    I often asked my daughter about your progress and then prayed for you...I wasn't sure if it would help, but I knew that it wouldn't hurt! Andrew, life kicked you in the ass, and you fell FORWARD...your courage and Amy's support is an inspiration to me and others!
    Wishing you both the best of everything!
    Cindy Gillen (Courtney's Mom)

  4. Andrew and Amy,
    Congratulations to you both on surviving the journey. Cancer found it's way into your lives but you didn't let that stop you from fighting and holding on to what's important. It's been inspirational to read your blog over the past year and follow your amazing progress through Courtney and Rob. Here's to a fresh start and the beginning of the next phase of your lives together....I wish you nothing but the best and hope to see you both soon.

  5. That is such great news! I had talked to Steve a few weeks ago, so I knew things were progressing positively. But it's good to hear it from you! Sorry I didn't post sooner, but I just got to pulling up the blog. Guess you won't be needing that anymore. Best wishes. Love, Aunt Marcy

  6. Amy i am so happy for you two. Dealing with my sisters cancer (which she has been cancer free for 9+ years) was one of the most difficult things i will have ever done in my life! I will continue to send prayers of hope and faith that Andrew will continue to be happy and healthy! You two deserve the world! And, i think you just got it! Love you dear! Jen Trozzo
