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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And another one bites the dust ....

Andrew has another chemo session under his belt. This one-day session went very well. It was the usual draining day for both of us ... but mostly for him. Andrew also went to hydration today and will also go tomorrow as well. But we just keep to the routine .... eat, sleep, hydrate..cancer!! As you can tell I'm reading, Eat,Pray,Love; right now. I'm fascinated with anyone who can give up a year of their life and do anything ..... oh wait, that's us!! A year of our life given up not to travel around the world and explore new cultures, ideas and languages; but a year given up to learn methods of how to keep Andrew's spirits high and how to beat cancer. And to be fair I guess we have learned a new language but not the traditional ones you are thinking of .... we learned Doctoresee!! Yes the language of doctors. It's a strange and complicated tongue where you have to deceiver whether you are going to live or die by the big words they speak!! So I guess we got a little bit of an education this year.
We also had a great weekend with Linda and Pete, planting new flowers and shrubs; cleaning the shed; and organizing the basement. We even fit in dinner out on Saturday evening and lunch in Winchester with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Ed and Kaylan. What a great weekend.
But besides that life is going well. Andrew continues to work; Winston continues to sleep; and I keep it all together by cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry and all that jazz.

Spread the sunshine ........

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