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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Elmer Fud

Andrew finished his 5th chemo treatment yesterday and came home last night from the hospital. He is doing well; eating and drinking, all the normals for him. After dinner last night, Andrew's brother Jeremy came from his new home in Baltimore and Big Pete went back home to Uniontown to go back to Cal U and teach. When Andrew's in the hospital, Big Pete is such a help. He literally goes into the hospital at 7:30 every morning and doesn't come home until 10 pm every night. This allows me to go to work for a while, make dinner and bring it in and keep life running and visit Andrew at the same time.
Curiosity killed the cat, I know... but I had to ask, What do they do all day when I'm not there. I learned that Big Pete and Andrew are good nap buddies. The both take siesta's throughout the day to get their beauty rest and since Andrew isn't always up for conversing, the Big Man is practicing for hunting season. Yes that right, Elmer Fud himself sits quietly in his seat, not making any sudden moves so not scare ... I don't know.... the chemo drip.... from moving .... all time honing and sharpening his hunting skills for the blissful time he spends every winter shoved in a tree ( a sturdy tree) waiting for that fateful moment when a poor and innocent deer walks into this path ... and then BAM ... you get the point. I always call a head when I coming into the hospital because I'm afraid I could accidentally be mistaken as one of the lonely and innocent who's lost their pack.
But really, I'm overly grateful for Elmer's time and attention to Andrew. I hope this extra practice helps him to 'bag' his deer early this year.
Today Andrew is in the hospital receiving hydration. He's sounds good and is looking forward to watching PSU beat Iowa this weekend ... Go State!!

SSSSHHHHHH... quiet, we are approaching the deer. (I love those hunting shows that you have to raise the volume just so you can hear what they are saying because they are whispering).

Pip Pip ......

PS: We also want to say a big MAZEL TOV to Shannen and RJ Kline on the birth of baby Braedan. We can't wait to meet him!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love big Pete!!! Sorry about football this weekend. I'm sure that loss wasn't good for the spirits :(
