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Friday, July 24, 2009

Prison Break

Free at last ... Free at last .... thank god all mighty .... Andrew's free at last!!! On Thursday, Dr. Felice allowed Andrew to receive his chemo treatment and hydration and come home!!! He was such a happy camper. On the way home he even felt well enough to stop at the Verizon store and look at a new phone for himself. I am also very happy that Andrew still has a healthy appetite ... well sort of. Last night he asked for Mac and Cheese.... not the homemade stuff but the box stuff. And since I don't keep it in the house, he drove he and his mother to the market to buy some. What a big step to feel well enough to drive and to be out in public.
A recent staple for Andrew has become his chapeau. His hair has become very patchy and spotty in places and he has almost entirely lost all of his facial hair. For those of you who know Andrew well know that this is such a shock to him since he is such a furry Murry. It has also required even more cleaning of the house lately since he has been leaving his fur behind all over our house. I'm not sure who is worse at this point with the fur, Andrew or the dog. I mean they have always been very similar, short appendages; stocky; furry; wrinkly; and now bald. No paternity test needed there .. they are definitely related.
And as for today, so far, it has been a good day too. Gwen, Andrew and I are sitting in the beautiful redesigned infusion lab in Reston Hospital for the next 5 hours for him to receive his last day of chemo treatment. He is doing well and looking and feeling good. Today is also parent swap day. Linda and Pete, of course, left at like 5 am to get down here and should be in VA soon... you know Pete.... As a family we plan to have dinner tonight, Linda's homemade Lasagna and Meatballs, and then Gwen and Steve will depart for NJ. Pete has a few projects to do with Andrew this weekend, namely hanging the new TV on the wall in our bedroom for Andrew .....Thanks Uncle Al and Aunt Janet again for the gift. He is also going to clean out the grill and help Andrew to reorganize the shed. Linda and I have more pressing issues, I have to find the perfect dress for Lanhi and Gary's wedding in a few weeks. We will of course put our bargin hats on and hit the trail.
But it will soon be time for life to get back to normal. Andrew has 2 doctors appointments next week, Wednesday and Friday. We hope that his courts stay high and he stays strong this week.

TGIF and have a great weekend .......


  1. Watch out Amy . . . you know I have a thing for bald men!!! :)


  2. OMG- I could cry just hearing that you guys are even thinking about our wedding amidst all this. Geez...we really do love you guys and can't wait to see you both before, at, or after the union!

  3. Thanks again for sharing. I must say I chuckle every time you mention Pete and Linda. Send my love!!
